Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beating Winter Blues

Last February I decided that I was tired of being an old winter couch potato and resolved to get in shape. I started running every day. At first I couldn't even run around the block (we have a ridiculously short block so it was particularly embarrassing). After a month of plugging away at it though I was able to run a mile, the next month two. The next three. By August I could run six miles and was fit enough to go on a walking pilgrimage.
Going from being an anti-exercise person to a 10-K runner didn't happen overnight but took a lot of hard work and perseverance. It was worth it though from the joy of completing my first mile up to the thrill of running 10. I honestly can say I would do it again if I had too despite the "tears and bloodshed"(I'm just teasing but I did fall a few times). Here are tips that helped me overcome those obstacles we all encounter when trying to get in shape.

1) Just do it! I know your too tired or busy or you don't feel like it, it's too cold, but just do it. Once you get started you might actually find you enjoy it.

2) Don't over do it in the beginning. You can't expect to go from a quarter mile to ten overnight.It doesn't happen. You've got to be patient.

3) In the beginning you don't want to overdo it but just as importantly don't be a wimp. Be willing to challenge yourself.

4) Set goals. My goal was what I called "a mile a month". Every month I ran another mile. End of March I was running one a day, April two, May three etc...

5) Have variety in your workout schedule. I made the mistake of running every day down the same route. I got so sick of it.

6) Pray while you exercise. Whether you like to say the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet or just ad lib with the Lord include him in your exercise routine.

7) Choose a sport that is challenging but fun or two, a challenger and a fun one. For me running is a challenge but I love the thrill it gives me when I reach a new goal or run a different route. My "fun-fun" exercise though is aerobic dance and my all challenger is strength training with weights.

8) If ever I really don't feel like exercising and start naming off all the excuses I will list all the positive things about it; lifts my mood, energizes me, gives me some time to be alone etc...

9) As well as being good for your body exercise can improve you mentally. People who exercise are usually more energetic then those who don't and it has been proven to relive symptoms of depression and melancholy.

10) Even if you are the world's biggest couch potato(which I'm sure your not) you may find that you actually enjoy exercise and it may become for you a new hobby so to speak or area of interest in your life.

I hope this post is a help and not a hindrance to anyone trying to put more physical activity into their day. And for those who are not I hope it is an inspiration to go out there and try it!


  1. Thanks for that post. :) I need to get in shape really bad. :(

  2. I've started running recently. Because I'm going to try and play soccer at a high school (I'm a home schooled 8th grader), I figured I'd better get in shape! What I do is actually write myself a 'Pep Talk'. Y'know, list all the reasons you should run. I have one for getting up at 5:30 AM. :)

  3. Wow Izori thats pretty awesome! Keep running girl!

  4. Victoria so glad I was able to help! Thank you for commenting. I sometimes wonder if anyone reads this blog any more.
