Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Day

Philosopher commented that she enjoyed my random post yesterday so this is for you Ms. Artist. Yesterday was eh let me think Tuesday that's right. I woke at quarter to 6. At 7:30 I walked to 7:45 Mass. I came home and had Froot Loops. After my breakfast was all digested I went running. When I got home I went downstairs to work on a crazy project I started on Monday. I decided to clean and organize the basement and upstairs this week(I'm such a dreamer). I will be fortunate to finish the basement by Saturday the way it is going! The more I straighten things up it seems the more clutter I discover! I told my mom that to truly complete the project I'm going to have to get rid of some stuff to which she readily agreed as long as I can get approval from the many pack-rats of our family(good luck).Around 11:00 Mags needed looking after so I took her downstairs with me on the pretext that she wasn't going to make a mess(ha-ha). We spent the next hour and half playing in the basement and reading until my poor little voice was hoarse. Luckily at that point Em had finished school and was able to play with her. I took a break before going back downstairs to finish the "great project"(notice that I said the great project). I did that the rest of the afternoon until 5:00 when I had had enough and decided to roller blade to a church that is nearby(about a mile and a half) for Eucharistic Adoration. Don't worry, I didn't go into church with my blades on, I brought shoes. I stayed for an hour, then rushed home just in time for dinner. I was really tired so I spent the rest of the evening just chatting with my dad and sister over dish washing.

Today was very similar except that it is much chillier outside which I am not very happy about but it is inevitable. Also I ran farther. I didn't heat up as fast so had more endurance. Since I jogged so far I didn't get to eat a proper chilly morning breakfast so I enjoyed it for lunch instead, tea with honey,an English muffin with peanut butter and half a nectarine. The nectarine was really just a healthy addition. It doesn't really go with the chilly theme now does it. Now I'm blogging. I'm actually not sure what I will do next. Later we have holy hour at our parish and then hot dogs for dinner. My apologies to anyone who is now snoring. I shall sign off now. -Ardhoniel-

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