Monday, September 14, 2009

More Inspiration

When I watched Karol the other night one thing that really amazed me was how much John Paul loved us. At the part were he was shot and they were rushing him to the hospital, when they showed the blood stained sheets I gasped because I realized he did it for the Church. His blood was shed for his people. Then it dawned on me, that's what Jesus did! He shed His Blood for us. At the end of the movie when he was dying the doctor decides to do a procedure to help him breathe better. The procedure works but he is no longer able to speak. This was a terrible blow to him who wished to be a "voice for the voiceless" and to bring the message of hope wherever people were suffering. His health was a humiliating state for anyone to be reduced to let alone Christ's vicar. It hurt me to see him like that and yet he did it for us. He gave his life for us. How well did he imitate the Good Shepard who layed down His life for His flock. I think he is still watching out for us and interceding for the Church because love doesn't end with death but only grows stronger. I ask for his intercession often as it seems that the prayers of a former vicar of Christ must surely be powerful.
Servant of God John Paul II, pray for us!

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