Sunday, September 13, 2009

Be Inspired

Last night I was blessed to be able to watch Karol:the Pope,the Man on EWTN. For those of you who haven't seen it, the film is very inspiring. It left me moist-eyed during many scenes and when it was over, with new insights on life. I found myself asking "What is it I can do to promote peace and life in the world?" What can I do for the Church? What are her needs at this point in history? While I am still pondering over these things I have already found some answers. The Church I think is in need of reform, the reform that the cardinals tried to put in place during VatII. This reform has been greatly misunderstood and abused so much so that the reform needs reforming! Our dear Holy Father, Benedict XVI, has put much effort into reform, especially in the liturgical sense in his restoration of the Tridentine Rite or Extraordinary Form of the mass. It is up to us, the people of God,who are His Body to support these reforms the Pope is initiating.
Conversion starts in the heart. The Church must be reformed but it will only happen when Catholics start acting like Catholics again, like true followers of Our Lord Jesus. It will only happen when Catholics begin to take their faith seriously and when they become bold in living the Gospel in a pagan world. It will only happen when they take God's Word to heart. Let us today, you and I, generously respond to Christ's call to Holiness and be reformed in our hearts so that we may experience a new revival of Faith in our country and the world.

"Dear young people, by your baptismal anointing you have become members of the holy people. By your anointing at Baptism you share fully in the Church's mission. The Church,of which you are a part, has confidence in you and is counting on you. May your Christian lives be a progressive "getting used to" life with God... so that you may be missionaries of the Gospel!" -John Paul II at WYD in Paris 1997


  1. Praise be Jesus Christ!

    I just found your blog it's lovly!
    I love the movie Karol, Pope John Paul is so inspiring!


  2. I love the part when Karol(Pope John Paul II)
    talks about the young atheist who asked him''Why do you belive?''
    What is your favorite part?

  3. Lizzy,
    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm so excited to finally be getting some followers!
    My favorite part, thats a hard question! There are so many good ones. I think I would have to say when he visits the children in the hospital because it shows what a compassionate heart he had. Not a heart of stone but a real human heart like that of Christ capable of being pierced.-Ardhoniel
